About the Film: Dream Virus

“Desperate to have a dream for the first time in his life, Daniel Mulbee acquires a mysterious device that will supposedly not only let him see his dreams, but also view them after the fact…”

Dream Virus was my senior Capstone film at Purdue University. This film was to be my biggest and most ambitious yet. I wrote it in the fall of 2023 and filmed it throughout the spring of 2024, so I had much more time to plan every detail of what I wanted it to be.

The film also marked my first time collaborating with Purdue Student Productions, of which I was president. This allowed me to find crew members that were willing to help on the project, rather than relying on favors from friends or classmates. Having a larger crew was immensely helpful during the production.

Overall, while the finished project wasn’t exactly as I expected, Dream Virus was a further exploration of my cinematic style and was a definite step up in terms of production quality and filmmaking.